Demo Hub

Welcome to our Demo Hub! Explore our collection of demos showcasing cutting-edge smart building solutions. This innovative tool lets you easily browse, learn, and request intros to the companies you're interested in. Join us in discovering the technology that is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings.

"Our Demo Hub was created in response to input we heard from our Buyers Community. Demos are often a pain. They lack substance, show dummy data, and focus on future capabilities rather than what companies can do right now. This is another tool we've created to make it easy for buyers to find the right solutions they need."
- James Dice, CEO and Co-Founder, Nexus Labs

Criteria for Demos

1. Grounded, factual, non-salesy

No marketing fluff. This industry has a history of being burned by marketing and technology that does not live up the hype. That won't be the case here.

2. Nerdy, non-fluffy

Not designed for the novice, designed for people who understand technology and how buildings work.

3. Shows actual buildings, not just a demo site

real-world buildings are showcased that have already embraced the technology. Companies offer social proof that their solution has been rigorously tested, has matured, and stands ready to serve.

Clockworks Analytics

Category: FDD
Year Founded: 2008
About: Clockworks Analytics is an essential smart building intelligence platform that provides data-driven insights into property operations for facility and energy managers.

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Category: FDD
Year Founded: 2017
About: Facilio is an enterprise SaaS company that offers a unified cloud platform to manage real-estate operations efficiently.

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Buildings IOT

Category: Independent Data Layer
Year Founded: 1958
About: Buildings IOT is the world’s leading adaptive buildings company, turning data into actions that are tailored to the needs, constraints and opportunities of properties and portfolios.

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Category: Energy Management
Year Founded: 2020
About: Edo reduces carbon and costs in commercial buildings by deploying hardware, software, and services to improve efficiency and position owners to unlock new revenue from the grid.

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Category: Energy Management
Year Founded: 2004
About: Atrius builds cutting-edge, comprehensive solutions to enhance how buildings, businesses, and people interact. As part of the Intelligent Spaces Group at Acuity Brands, they share a mission to reshape how people operate, work in, and experience spaces.

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Category: Space Management Software
Year Founded: 2014
About: InnerSpace is a space utilization platform that helps large enterprises make smarter decisions about their use of corporate real estate.

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XY Sense

Category: Occupancy
Year Founded: 2016
About: XY Sense is the actionable occupancy intelligence platform for corporate real estate teams.

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Category: Energy Management
Year Founded: 2011
About: Gridium empowers owners and operators to reduce energy costs through its operator-friendly analytics platform and strategic, on-demand expertise.

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Category: Data Layer, Coupled with Applications
Year Founded:
About: Backpack is a comprehensive solution designed to digitize the built world. By collecting data from documents, integrations, surveys, and annual site visits, Backpack aggregates and centralizes building information, ranging from property characteristics, leasing data, utilities, equipment, real-time data, capital plans, and more.

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