IOT Jetstream is a smart building integration platform that empowers the delivery of innovative solutions for the built environment with a developer-friendly API. Bring cloud and on-premises building systems, equipment, and applications together with a unifying data model. Unlock building data, enable interoperability, and reduce the amount of time it takes to gain insights into building operations. And streamline innovation and eliminate development redundancies all with IOT Jetstream.
Buildings IOT is the world’s leading adaptive buildings company, turning data into actions that are tailored to the needs, constraints and opportunities of properties and portfolios.
They improve the operational performance and reduce the environmental impact of buildings because they understand deeply how they work, and they've built that expertise into every facet of our products and services.
Command-and-control from a single pane of glass, analytics enhanced by machine learning, and a building-domain-centric data management platform, Buildings IOT delivers smart buildings that live up to the hype. They also design and install building controls and automation systems, offer IT-managed services and device testing for cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and provide data-driven maintenance to some of the world's largest building portfolios.
This week, we wanted to introduce some of the other unique spaces and events happening at NexusCon, like our Buyer & Vendor Symposiums and the Demo Stage.
Hey friends, Over the past month, we've been supporting a large commercial real estate owner in a vendor shortlisting for Space Utilization solutions. With multiple tenants renewing leases, ending leases, and changing space requirements, it's a full-time job for a real estate owner to forecast the future demands of their tenants and optimize usage.
In early 2024, Atrius joined Nexus Labs on the panel for the Buyer’s Guide to Energy Management, ESG Reporting, and Carbon Accounting, where they showcased their application layer solutions. Today, we sat down with Simran Kalir, Director of Marketing at Atrius, to find out what they’ve accomplished and where they’re heading.
Head over to Nexus Connect and see what’s new in the community. Don’t forget to check out the latest member-only events.
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