Data Layer

The data layer sits on top of the device and network layers as the data infrastructure for any smart building software application. The applications need an ontology to understand all the data they're consuming, including all the underlying devices and how they fit together into a system of systems.

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Independent Data Layer

Independent Data Layer (IDL) vendors provide a data layer solution that is *independent* from the application layer. Meaning Buyers can buy the data layer as a separate product from any applications that sit on top of the data layer.


The Application Layer needs a way to understand all the data it's consuming, including all the underlying devices and how they fit together into a system of systems. That's where these standard Ontology initiatives fit in. Buyers can adopt these standards for use in their stacks and capitalize on all the work done by the volunteers that maintain each standard.

Data Layer, coupled with Applications

"Data Layer, coupled with Applications" vendors provide one or more software applications at the Application Layer AND their solution can serve as the central data layer for other applications. Meaning they provide a Data Layer that is coupled with applications. These vendors often use terminology such as Building Operating Systems (BOS), Digital Twins, or Integration Platforms.

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Partner Pulse: What’s New With Mapped?

Brad Bonavida

It seems like just yesterday we were sitting down with industry experts like Shaun Cooley, CEO of Mapped, in our debate over the promise of the independent data layer (Change My Mind: The Independent Data Layer). But, in reality, that conversation is almost a year old now, and in that year companies like Mapped were in the early days of product-to-market fit. We took a moment to dive into what’s new at Mapped over the last year.

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Case Study: KIPP DC Schools wants Autonomy, Deploys IDL, Supervisory Control, FDD, and CMMS

Brad Bonavida

KIPP Schools is a network of public charter schools throughout the United States that is open to all students. KIPP stands for Knowledge is Power Program, a program with a proven track record of academic excellence.

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Case Study: QuadReal Rolls Out Passive Optical Networks for OT Devices

Brad Bonavida

QuadReal Property Group is a global real estate investor and operator with over $73 billion in real estate assets and counting. In 2019, Thano Lambrinos joined the QuadReal team. Amid the building industry's transition to digitizing everything, Lambrinos and the QuadReal team were eager to embrace new technologies to differentiate themselves from competitors.

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Case Study: Limbach Holdings is Digitizing HVAC and Controls Service

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Limbach Holdings provides mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and control (MEP+C) contracting services to building owners throughout the United States. The Limbach team struggled with consistently gathering the data and insights they needed from different building equipment in a standardized fashion to provide efficient and data-driven services to those buildings.

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Case Study: The Empire State Building

James Dice

This case study discusses the Empire State Realty Trust's systematic approach to building retrofits and technology deployments with Kode Labs.

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The synergy between the data layer and IoT sensors [Marketplace #1]

James Dice

Buyers: This new ‘Marketplace’ newsletter series is written just for you. Being a Buyer in the smart building technology market requires you to start thinking in categories. The Nexus Marketplace currently has 47 different categories—and counting!

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